If you need to build a website to showcase or sell beer or wine, then you have to check out these Joomla templates. These Joomla templates are designed for beer and wine sites, and they come with cool features like Font Awesome icons, K2 compatibility, Google Fonts, sliders, contact forms, dropdown menus, Social Comments, Bootstrap frameworks, lazy loading, Google Maps integration, and more. Plus, these beer and wine Joomla templates have responsive layouts, so they’re compatible with mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
Wine Shop Joomla template
This wine Joomla template has a responsive layout, off canvas and mega menus, Social Comments, a Bootstrap framework, 500+ Font Awesome icons, a clean design, a sticky header, a layout manager, Google Fonts, and more.
Brewery – Brewhouse Responsive Joomla Template
This beer Joomla template features a responsive layout for mobile devices, a slider, a theme color switcher, social login, parallax effects, multiple page templates, UI elements, Google Maps integration, lazy loading, Google Web Fonts, PSD files, contact, login, and registration forms, HTML5 and CSS3 code, a dropdown menu, a back to top button, a Bootstrap framework, jQuery effects, a comment system, and more.
Sam’s Brewery Joomla Template
This beer Joomla templates includes a responsive layout, parallax effects, a mega menu, advanced search, a comment system, UI elements for accordions, pricing tables, counters, block quotes, and progress bars, a Bootstrap framework, and more.