Shopify Review Apps To Help You Get Feedback About Your Site

If you want to get valuable feedback from your customers, add SEO-friendly content to your website, and possibly increase your sales, then you should try allowing your customers to review your store and your products. To help you request and manage customer feedback, I’ve chosen 6 of my favorite Shopify review apps to share with you. These review apps for Shopify offer lots of great features, including social media and Disqus integration, SEO-friendly code, easy customization, automated feedback requests, powerful administration areas, and more.


Yotpo, a free Shopify review app for sites with fewer than 1 million page views a month (a premium version is available for larger sites), will automatically email your customers and ask them to review their recently purchased products. This Shopify review plugin also offers social media integration, so you and your customers can easily share their reviews via Twitter and Facebook. Plus, Yotpo provides detailed analytics and statistics which you can use improve your review request email and your products.

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Grapevine Reviews

If you want to add product reviews to your online store, then you have to check out Grapevine Reviews. This Shopify review app includes lots of customization options, so you can make the style and color of your reviews match your existing branding. Also, Grapevine Reviews allows you to automatically publish new feedback to your shop or review the latest comments before adding them to your site. Plus, this Shopify review app is easy to install, and every message and text field is configurable.

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Fb Comments

With Fb Comments, a review app for Shopify, your customers can provide feedback on your store’s products using their existing Facebook profiles, as well as post comments about your items. Plus, this Shopify app allows shoppers to share their reviews on Facebook, which can help increase awareness of your store and products. Fb Comments is easy to install, configure, and use, making it a great way to get your customers to provide valuable feedback.

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Cat McAuli: